Monday, May 6, 2013

"Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts"

For those of you who are unaware, I plan on teaching some form of science (biology or anatomy) and coaching high school football for my career. So, for my Education Technology class we were required to watch this short video ( called "Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts". Vicki Davis, the teacher spotlighted in the video, does an excellent job in creating an environment for the students to learn. I think she also flourishes in preparing her students for the world. We live in a technology savvy world and without the skills necessary to perform digital tasks, you can be left behind.

For my future classroom I really like the idea of putting my students in the position to succeed and then letting them learn on their own. Something I have learned in my short life is that we learn best through experience. Technology must be involved in this environment or like I said earlier, generations will be left behind in a world that isn't slowing down for anyone.

The advances our world is making with technology is unbelievable. I saw a video somewhere the other day, I think I was flipping through the channels, that was talking about something called Google Glasses. The glasses were able to take pictures, act as clock and many other features.

In the past, people needed to be sufficient with basic computer maneuvering (Word, PowerPoint, Excel) but now, especially as a teacher, we need to know much more to thrive. Everyday teachers are using smart boards, projectors, and many different programs that allow them to more conveniently and efficiently teach their classrooms. If we can teach our students at a more efficient level, then they will be able to learn at a more efficient level.

So, as this video seems to show, be creative and get outside the box. That's what I am going to do with my teaching career.

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